miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

within a bed comfortable bedroom is a window to the left two bedside tables, three tables in the back wall d bed, a curtain, ceiling and floor are made of wood are the paresdes painted burgundy and ivory is a quarter very pleasant with temperature is very small but clean and quiet


AT 1:00 pm I see the novel

at 5:00 Pm I walk to the stadium

breakfast at 8:30

at 9:00 am clean l quarter


get up 7:15 a.m.

I brush

I shower

jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

I do not like a lot to do but I like my toilet clean cas if that is a must

I lie down to relax watching TV

v  Dendy Ferrer stands at 6.30 going to the bathroom brushing bathes half-hour up to take your child to school at 7.45 left on the school you go to the village to buy the picture to his dad breakfast with his father. Reaches the tank where polar tratabaja distributor of puts everything in orderly to send the worker to dispatch deposits brewery, at 11.00am going to the bank to deposit at 1.00 o'clock lunch at 5:20 is a reunion with their workers in company comes home to dinner and at 8.30 7.30 ensure the TV


on Tuesday at 6.45 alarm clock rings I get up I brush my bathroom I saw 7.30 breakfast I go to take the kids to school 8:30 a.m. buy back home I read the newspaper to be informed that happened around the world to clean 9.00 the house, I check the fridge to see what I do for lunch. at 11.00 o'clock I pump my favorite show that is spent in a 12.00am Televen o'clock I lunch at 1:15 lavos lunch dishes relax me to view the novel. at 4.30 helped him do chores to children until 5.00pm I'm going to my sister to visit me back at 6.20 bath and read a book a while ¨ the fault of the cow'' to have dinner at 7.30 8.30 am to go do my homework on Wednesday to computer classes to see 9.00 in the novel.
Saturdays I get up at 4.00 o'clock I brush my bath at 5.15 I saw the bus I hope to go to a course of managements of special events and protocol at 7.45 city entered the teacher is great I love the way we went to a Brek breakfast at 10.00 am and at 10.45 we share and had a great time at one we get home and rest all afternoon
Consensual  star is only 12 days old, and is a love    
My passion is nature, I is on a farm near the house can breathe fresh air

hello I love reading books on personal growth

called the thunder and is a nice and very intelligent animal is my favorite

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

is a good video for those who live complexing by their physical appearance and all the while being watched live the defects butvirtues are not love yourself you matter AS YOU ARE THE WORLD
In this blog I will post my school homework for Level 7. I will useit to practice writing, listening, speaking and reading. Alsoi willshare it with my classmates and people from the world.

My name's largest Leanys But You can call me leanysI'm fromMaracaibo originallyI live in Maracaibo, in CarrasqueroI'm 20 years old and I study Social Communication at URBEMy favorite subjects are psychology and reviews poblica Thistrimester I am Taking 2 classes and I am in the 3ht trimester.

talking on the phone
I love music, cooking, studying English, talking on the phonewith my friends, pizza, chocolate, my familymy country.

I hate listening to hip hop, getting up early on the weekend, violence, war, injusticeand washing the dishesI can not standpeople smoking.

I do not like the ranchera, injustice does not make me waitsoprto people do not step increidas

Eiffel Tower
My dream is to travel around the world, visit the Pyramids inEgypt and The Eiffel Tower in Paris. Of courseI want to graduate from an excellent journalist and be a goodcommunicator. I also want to learn to speak English,I'd love to work in an Important company and buy a house.

About EnglishI love to learn new languages​​. I think English isvery important. What do I do to practice my Englishwell, Ilisten to music and watch TV in EnglishIt's a good Exercise. I also chat on the internet and Have Friends In Many countries. Iuse social networks like facebook and twitter to connect topeople around the world and make friendsI can write well, but ineed to practice more. The most apologetic for me isspeaking. I want to practice in class and out of class, too. Ihope I can make a lot of friends and practice speaking In Thisclass.

e qu think everyone should be valued and learned to querrermore

DOS me the wisdom I need to achieve my dreams

                              AttBit of God